Spelling Words
January 23rd - 27th
1. didn't
2. they're
3. you're
4. couldn't
5. haven't
6. o'clock
7. we're
8. isn't
9. I'm
10. it's
11. that's
12. who's
13. they'd
14. could've
15. would've
16. they've
17. you'll
18. don't
19. won't
20. aren't
Spelling Tic-Tac-Toe for the week of Jan. 23rd
*Spelling Tic-Tac-Toe assignments should be done nightly from Tuesday-Thursday. Assignments are due on Friday. Spelling work should always have spelling words spelled correctly.
*Spelling Tic-Tac-Toe assignments should be done nightly from Tuesday-Thursday. Assignments are due on Friday. Spelling work should always have spelling words spelled correctly.
*Remember that you have to choose 3 assignments in a row. If you can't do an activity, choose a different row or column.
What is a "Think-Sort"?
A Think-Sort is when you look at your spelling words and then you think about how to sort them according to different spelling rules. For example:
Long A is my pattern for the spelling week. My words are:
chain, pain, May, stay, change, clay, Maine, tame
Long A can be done by spelling words -ai, -ay, a-e
My Think-Sort might look like this:
"ai" "ay" "a-e"
chain May change
pain stay tame
Maine clay
What is "Rainbow Writing?"
Rainbow writing is done when students write each letter of their spelling words in a different color.
What is "Star step spelling"
Words are spelled letter by letter to form a staircase.
The word school, for example, would look like this:
What is "ZYX" spelling?
ZYX spelling is the opposite of putting your words in alphabetical (ABC) order. You start at the bottom of your paper instead of the top. For example:
If my spelling words are:
chain, pain, May, stay, change, clay, Maine, tame
This is how my paper would look:
ZYX Spelling