What is the One Million Word Challenge?
This is a challenge for your student to read one million words this school year. In Fourth grade, that means your student will read 25 chapter books independently.
Children will record information about the books they read in their Reading Logs.
Each teacher uses a different Reading Log, but they all include a space for the book title, author, and possibly the genre or number of pages.
How can you help?
Be supportive! Your student's ability to read is the best way to ensure that s/he does well in school. Make reading an enjoyable exprience. Share books together. Have your student spot you reading {magazines & newspapers count, too!} and ensure your child is reading a book that is easy for them.
Why an easy book?
We want reading to be fun & enjoyable. If children read books that are too difficult, they will become frustrated and won't want to continue reading. Reading will become a chore.
What can you do?
√ Make your home a "reading home."
Provide 20-30 minutes of quiet, uninterrupted time for your student to read.
Find a comfortable spot for reading.
√ Read out loud to your student.Read with expression & laugh together.
Discuss the book together.
√ Have your student read out loud to you every day. Ask your student to read you & other family members a story.
Focus your conversation on the meaning of the story
Don't focus on mistakes!
Helpful Tips:
- Help your student think about what was just read.
- Ask your student to retell the story in his or her own words.
- Have your student make predictions.
- Compare & contrast what is happening in the book with what is happening in real life.
- Talk about the different characters.
- Share each other's favorite parts of the book.
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